Learn From Experts In The Field

CRR Academy is a product of Vision 20/20, a project of the Institution of Fire Engineers USA Branch. We’re excited to help our peers and partners in the U.S. fire service grow their knowledge of Community Risk Reduction and we’re committed to providing the highest quality of service for your training needs. 

Who we are

Vision 20/20 provides guidance to fire departments and community partners on effective community risk reduction through strategic planning.

The training we provide is based on best practices by fire service professionals, organizations, and community partners dedicated to reducing risk in their community.
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Our purpose

We are passionate about data driven results, model performance, and strategy planning. This CRR Academy is provided to bring you the best in the business in community risk reduction. Our goal is to be engaged as a united fire service with the focus on the communities we serve.
Have a question about our courses, or an in person delivery?   Feel free to contact us.

Our Experience

Vision 20/20, educates and

provides guidance to thousands
of our fire service peers and
partners across the nation.

Why choose us

The CRR Academy is designed to help you achieve your goals. Our strategy teams are leaders in the industry with a range of experiences and backgrounds creating the diversity needed to help create positive change.

Quality Learning Solutions

We provide the most relevant and up-to-date
content to help learners advance in their careers
and build strong foundations for their futures.

Flexible Options

Our platform provides a range of learning
options, from one-on-one coaching to in-person
meet-ups and online virtual classes.


We work with professionals to understand their
unique challenges and design a learning solution
that meets their unique needs.
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Meet our team

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Stephen Hrustich

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Dr. Randall Hanifen

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Meri-K Appy

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Peg Paul