Training CRR Professionals,Developing Careers
Welcome to CRR Academy, Vision 20/20's virtual learning management system designed with our priorities to Educate, Equip & Engage fire service professionals across the nation.
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Your Partner in
Community Risk Reduction
Vision 20/20 provides a variety of tools, training departments, State Fire Marshal's Offices and Statewide Community Risk Reduction Coalitions across the United States.
CRR Academy can help you and your organization!
Learn From Experts In The Field
Our training material is researched based and developed by subject matter experts with years of experience in building
and delivering the best programs in the nation.
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See What People Have To Say!
This benefits our entire organization!
This is for me a very valuable experience and
I would recommend this training. The training will benefit our whole department.
I would recommend this training. The training will benefit our whole department.
Shane W.
The support we need!
I've learned that we have a team of people across the country willing to help.
John L.
Very Professional!
It was It gives a well rounded perspective and understanding of the need and purpose for CRR.
I am very pleased with the level of training I received.
I am very pleased with the level of training I received.